GMAIL new version is painfully slow!!!

Recently GMAIL released its new version and using for few days i found it really annoying as the system is very slow compared to the previous version. So, I have shift back to the old version. Few of the problems of the new GMAIL:

1. very slow in loading in both IE and Firefox.

2. worst with firebug enabled in firefox (GMAIL’s known issue)

3. Anchors in Email page does not work. It opens in a new page and huh!! the content is not loaded. I found it completely irritating. I have to scroll my mails to read that particular section.

4. Another annoying fact is if you are using older version and login next time,  you are logged into the new version. Kind of enforcement!!!!

Usually people goes for performance improvement everyday. Seems that Google taking a step backward. Hope they will solve the issues asap.

I forgot to mention, GMAIL is still in Beta 😉

Posted in: PHP

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