Bangla Currency (Taka) Formatting

Today i wrote a simple code to convert a number to Bangladeshi currency (taka) format. the php format_number puts a comma (“,”) after every 3 digits which is not same for Bangladeshi currency. here is the simple function to do the job for yo. it can handle integer and decimal numbers.

function taka_format($amount = 0)
$tmp = explode(“.”,$amount); // for float or double values
$strMoney = “”;
$divide = 1000;
$amount = $tmp[0];
$strMoney .= str_pad($amount%$divide,3,”0″,STR_PAD_LEFT);
$amount = (int)($amount/$divide);
$divide = 100;
$strMoney = str_pad($amount%$divide, 2,”0″,STR_PAD_LEFT).”,”.$strMoney;
$amount = (int)($amount/$divide);

if(substr($strMoney, 0, 1) == “0”)
$strMoney = substr($strMoney,1);

if(isset($tmp[1])) // if float and double add the decimal digits here.
return $strMoney.”.”.$tmp[1];
return $strMoney;

an alternate way of doing this is via substr

function taka_format($amount = 0)
$tmp = explode(“.”,$amount);  // for float or double values
$strMoney = “”;
$amount = $tmp[0];
$strMoney .= substr($amount, -3,3 ) ;
$amount = substr($amount, 0,-3 ) ;
$strMoney = substr($amount, -2,2 ).”,”.$strMoney;
$amount = substr($amount, 0,-2 );

if(isset($tmp[1]))         // if float and double add the decimal digits here.
return $strMoney.”.”.$tmp[1];
return $strMoney;

Posted in: PHP

2 thoughts on “Bangla Currency (Taka) Formatting

  1. Tarek Hasan says:

    Do you have some thing that would convert numbers into bangla text.. like into LACS, CRORES..
    like the below example:
    12,34,45,789.12 = “Taka Twelve Crore thirty four lac forty five thousand seven hundred eighty nine and twelve paisa only”
    I ve got codes written in VB that converts numbers to text into thousands, millions but i need VB code that i can use in EXCELL or ACCESS.

    thanks n regards,

  2. Nobin says:

    This is a nice thing. I use bd number format for some of my business application. I get a function from a comment at He write it for Indian people, though Indian and Bangladesh number format is similar so i use this.

    I don’t know what is the rule for bd number format.

    If the amount is larger then should we write like this:


    OR like this:


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