PHP ini issues for scripts running in CLI or executing shell_exec() in *nix

Did you try to run php from command line and faced with php exception like safe mood is on, memory limit exceeded, maximum execution time exceeded etc. A general solution is to edit the php.ini and made those changes and restart apache server. At least i found these solutions online 🙂

But that is not gonna solve your problem. when you are running CLI or shell_exec in *nix environment, php uses a different php.ini file located inside CLI folder. until you edit that the problem wont be solved. So if you are constantly getting errors after altering your php.ini file used by your web server then you should try your CLIs’ php.ini file for any issues regarding cron/CLI.

Running CodeIgniter from Cron/CLI

Many of us faced the problem of running CodeIgniter controllers from Cron or from Command Line. usually we write the following codes to run a php file from cron/CLI.

php /var/www/path/to/your/script

but if we give CodeIgniter Controller path here it will not work since CodeIgniter will fail to initialize its core classes. A work around of this is running the script using CURL

curl http://yourwebsite/controllername

the problem with the above command is that it takes too much CPU resources .

Today my collegue Hasan showed me a nice way of doing it, just write the following codes in a php file in your root folder. here is the way to go

$_GET[“/external/do_cron”] = null;
require “index.php”;

note: here “external” is the controller name and “do_cron” is the function name that you want to execute.

now save this file to any name you want (eg. mycron.php) and run the script using

php /var/www/path/to/script

[here it is php /var/www/mywebsite/mycron.php]

if the above code does not work, you can try the following one. (thanks to sucio)

$_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”] =”external/do_cron”;
require “index.php”;

Mediawiki Image Gallery Extension – WikiGallery

I was working with MediaWiki Gallery extension named “Smooth Gallery” which is based on JonDesign’s SmoothGallery . It was almost the thing i was looking for but not the exact one for my purpose. As a result I had to hack the code and modify it to fit my needs. You can download the extension and install it for your purpose. I have named it as WikiGallery as lots of things has been changed in this extension. This extension supports external images as well and hence give you more options to create a nice gallery.

A very special thanks to Ryan Lane & Jon

Details of the extension is given below:






Requirements: Mediawiki 1.9.0  and above [ I have not tested with earlier versions. ]


  1. Download the wikigallery files from here.
  2. unzip it to your extensions directory
  3. download wikigallery extension file from here
  4. unzip it and drop it into your extensions directory
  5. make sure $wgUseImageResize is enabled in your LocalSettings.php file
  6. add the following lines to your LocalSettings.php file and save

$wgWikiGalleryExtensionPath = “/mediawiki/extensions/wikigallery”;
$wgWikiGalleryDelimiter = “n”;

Now the extension is ready and we can use it to our wiki pages. Edit a wiki page and add the following tag with image names delimited by the wikigallery delimiter as mentioned on LocalSettings.php file (in this case its n , but it can be , # etc). For local files (uploaded in the wiki), we do not have to put anything. but for external images the http:// must be there.


Now save and check your page , you will see the gallery is there.


  •     I will try to keep the code updated with smooth gallery. But can not promise that.
  •     If you have any download issue, please inform me with your email address. I will send you the scripts in email.